What affects 50% of Americans that goes undetected until it becomes a serious health issue?
Don, a 52-year-old father of three awakes one beautiful Saturday morning ready for his long-awaited family vacation. As he was packing the car, he started to experience chest pain. He had a checkup a few weeks earlier, his cholesterol level was normal, blood sugar was just a little over 100. His doctor said he was “good to go and he just needed to lose that extra 20 pounds he was caring around”. This father of three never made it to his family vacation that day. His heart stopped on the way to the emergency room.
Moral of the story: No one likes surprises when it comes to their health because they are usually never good surprises.
50% who show up in the emergency room with a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels. This newsletter is dedicated to all those individuals who didn’t get the right lab tests.
It’s different
The advanced lab work we do is different from the standard lab panel you get on an annual physical exam for work or from your doctor. The purpose of this advanced lab work is to head off risk factors for heart disease and diabetes before they become a problem.
And I do mean “Head Off” pre-diabetes, Type 2 diabetes (DM2) and heart disease, long before your blood sugar goes up and your arteries get clogged. Our Advanced Lab panel gives you a “true” insulin resistance score. We are a Wellness & Prevention Program that helps our patients feel their best (wellness) and prevent chronic disease (prevention) from occurring. Most other programs will treat signs and symptoms of disease when they are present, while we prevent them from occurring in the first place. Half of all heart attacks in the US happen with normal cholesterol levels from normal lab testing.
Our lab test uses Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology to more accurately predict risk for heart disease by calculating the number of cholesterol carrying particles in your blood. This test also helps us identify insulin resistance which affects more than 50% of all Americans which mostly goes undetected for years until it becomes a serious issue leading to diabetes or heart disease.
It doesn’t lie
Doing advanced lab work helps our clinical practitioners to focus in on your health markers based on what your blood tells us. We can better assess what is going on inside your body with the right blood tests. We can then provide a much better strategic plan to help you feel your best self and keep you healthy.
It guides nutrition and exercise recommendations
There is no better way to guide nutrition and exercise recommendations than to get an advanced blood test that lets our practitioners know how your body is processing nutrients and responding to exercise and other lifestyle factors like stress and sleep. Our clinical team will use your lab work to help you come up with a strategic plan to positively affect your health markers and get you feeling great without any trial and error finding the right diet or exercise plan for you.
Not everyone is going to be successful with a low-carbohydrate diet, and not everyone is going to be successful with a low-fat diet. Let our expert team help you identify which is the best diet for you based on your unique lab results. As you progress through the program, we can check our work by doing follow up blood work to make sure we are still on the right track. As the body changes, the nutrition and exercise recommendations change too and staying on top of getting your labs tested can help avoid the frustration of weight loss or blood sugar plateaus.
It keeps you aware
No one likes surprises when it comes to their health because they are usually never good surprises. If you never test your risk for developing heart disease or diabetes, and you don’t know what your blood work says about your lifestyle, then you are due for a health surprise/scare.
By getting your labs tested with our advanced lab test annually, you can be made aware of your risk factors for chronic diseases and have an expert team of health coaches and medical doctors to help you reduce your risk. If you aren’t testing, then you are guessing, and we don’t recommend guessing when it comes to your health.
Most other programs will treat signs and symptoms of disease when they are present, while we prevent them from occurring in the first place! Call us today for more information at 888-784-7960, or 775-398-3635!
-Jackie Cox, CEO/President