Word From the CEO: Oh, My Aching Back!
Before you head off to the spine surgeon, you might want to get out your tape measure and measure your waist (the biggest part). If you are a man and your waist is 40 inches or more or 35 inches for a woman, you may have “insulin resistance”. So, what does that have to do with my back pain? Do you remember that old song, “the hip bone ‘s connected to the knee bone, the… Read More

Heart Disease: The Hard Facts
According to JAMA Network Journals & JAMA Cardiology, studies have shown in national trends that the mortality rate from heart disease and stroke has declined in the last 60 years. Thanks to modern day evidence-based medicine and medical therapies, we have been able to decrease our chances. However, although we’re dying less often from heart disease, we are not immune to it and we’re still getting it just as often. Here are some hard hitting… Read More

Word From the CEO: The True Story….Vitamin D!
A recent study by SpecialtyHealth Wellness: SpecialtyHealth’s Wellness Program recently revealed some very scary and costly trends with the populations tested in our program. 98% of the population was Vitamin D deficient. This deficiency is easy to correct with a Vitamin D supplement, but critical to our health, if not corrected. Low Vitamin D can affect your bones, muscles, heart, and is related to some cancers. A simple blood test can tell you if you… Read More