The Simple Act of Walking: Take A Step In The Right Direction
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” -John Muir Throughout my career, I have never really been one to make “steps per day” recommendations. I’ve always thought that it wasn’t specific enough and have always fallen back on the American College of Sports Medicine guideline that 150 minutes of exercise per week, for people without limitations, is key. I have always thought that exercise/activity should be more specific and periodized…. Read More

Research, Media & Nutrition: Why Nutrition Information is Misleading You
Eating healthy is demanding work, and we often try many routes to get there. How do we know that we are doing the right things for our bodies? When surfing the internet, you would think there’s a huge debate over whether eggs, coffee, or salt are good or bad for you. Truthfully, most expert researchers have fairly solid opinions on issues like these and can also identify any shortcomings in the research. Why does the… Read More

Word from the CEO: The Breast Cancer to Bikini Challenge (B2B)
Every year, Each One Tell One sponsors the Breast Cancer to Bikini challenge (B2B) for cancer survivors. 15 to 20 breast cancer survivors join a six-month program, transforming their bodies and their minds. Exercise classes start early in the morning at Evoke Fitness. Mini runs a tight ship, no one leaves without feeling those muscles burn. After the exercise, it’s home to prep food for a special diet geared to rebuild those aching muscles. It’s… Read More

Word from the CEO: Breast Cancer
On June 4, 1970, a beautiful baby girl was born. This little carrot-top freckled-face girl was all smiles and full of joy. Little did we know that 41 years later, this beautiful little girl would face one of the biggest challenges of her life. In late 2011, Heather was diagnosed with a very aggressive breast cancer; grade 3, triple negative, stage 3. How could this happen? All her mammograms were negative for breast cancer, but… Read More

Healthy Living Series: How to Improve Your Health Online
Do you want to learn how to improve your health and do it in the comfort of your home – most of all, do it at your own pace? The Healthy Living Series is a cognitive-based lifestyle and disease management program to help improve your health with user-friendly interactive online courses formatted to target costly chronic health issues. The program includes a video-based format and proprietary Personal Coach software to deliver an engaging personalized health… Read More