Celebrate Breast Cancer to Bikini!
In April 2018, 12 courageous women dawned their bikini’s, ready to enter another life changing event. All are breast cancer survivors who displayed their courage and their scars as they started the 3rd annual 6-month Breast Cancer to Bikini (B2B) Challenge. Heather Reimer, a breast cancer survivor and founder of “Each One. Tell One.”, a nonprofit organization, created the B2B challenge after two mastectomies and months of chemotherapy. She was depressed, physically weak, and scarred… Read More

How Sleep Apnea Can Lead to Heart Disease & Stroke
What is Sleep Apnea? Sleep apnea occurs when you stop breathing for 5-30 times per hour or more. It prevents restful sleep. It is associated with high blood pressure, arrhythmia and heart failure. Isn’t Sleep Apnea a disease of overweight people? There are two major types of sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea is associated with obesity. The upper airway closes off because the muscles cannot hold the airway open Central sleep apnea occurs less frequently…. Read More

Podcast: Your Blood Work and You – with Robb Wolf & Dr. William Cromwell
Your Blood Work and You — William Cromwell, MD, Discipline Director, Cardiovascular Disease at LabCorp is an expert in the world of individualized healthcare and interpreting your blood work. In this 1-hour interview, Robb Wolf discuss the ins and outs of what to look for in your blood work and how to interpret your results. Take a Listen

Summer Adventures: Let’s Go Outside
July is my favorite month because Independence Day has always been my favorite holiday. Growing up in North Dakota you can imagine why I like summer more than winter. Someone asked me the other day, “In your business, do you see a drop-off in exercise frequency in the summer?” The answer to that question is “yes”; But that shouldn’t be the case for us here in Nevada. We still have our standard gym workouts available… Read More

Word from the CEO- Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance, DM2: Why Advanced Cholesterol Testing Could Save Your Life
“But my Cholesterol is Normal!” Routine Cholesterol levels are commonly used to estimate the number of lipoprotein particles (bad cholesterol particles). Routine cholesterol tests may appear normal, but could actually be dangerously high when performing an advanced lipoprotein particle test (LDL-P). This disagreement between a routine cholesterol test (LDL-C) and the advanced LDL particle test (LDL-P) is especially common in the insulin resistant individual. “The higher the LDL particle number (LDL-P), the greater the heart… Read More