Back Extension on Swiss Ball
1) Lie down with your upper thighs and pelvis over a fitness ball. If needed, use a partner to hold your feet on the floor. 2) Place your hands behind your head and move down slowly bending from your trunk. 3) Return back upright until your shoulders, hips, knees and ankles are aligned.

Exercise of the Month: Squat Jump
Start position is standing with the feet shoulder width apart. Lower into a squat with the knees aligned over the toes. The heels should be on the floor with the back straight and the head upright, eyes looking forward. Leap upwards out of the squat by swinging your arms behind you and extending through the hips, knees and ankles to jump as high as possible. Use the motion of the arms swinging forward to carry… Read More

Exercise of the Month: Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
Place your back foot on a box or bench and step the front foot forward into a staggered stance, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Initiate the movement by flexing at the hips, knees and ankles until your front thigh is parallel to the ground. Your back must remain straight and upright throughout the movement with the head up and your gaze forward. Keep your knee in line with your toe and do not allow… Read More

Top 5 Ways to Get Back to The Gym This Fall
I’ve noticed that parking at my gym in the mornings has become a bit more of challenge the last couple weeks. The weather is cooling off, school has started, and people are finding their way back to the gym. Indoor exercise always seems to pick up in the fall. Where do I begin when I head back to the gym? If you have been active this summer, this becomes a much easier question to answer. … Read More

What No One Tells You About Exercise Plans
Recently on a trip to my hometown, I did a very unscientific survey of some of the most common limitations to exercise. I asked people at a street fair some of the biggest barriers that they experienced with physical activity and I came up with the following list: I don’t have enough time to exercise Exercise is inconvenient I don’t have the motivation I don’t find exercise enjoyable Exercise is boring I lack confidence in… Read More