Recipe of the Month: Caprese Egg Casserole
This yummy egg recipe is a great fusion of the classic egg bake and caprese salad. It is not only savory, but chock full of protein. It is perfect for a fancy breakfast or quick easy dinner. 8 servings 151 Calories, 11.38g Fats, 1.68g Net Carbs, and 9.8g Protein. (Per serving) Ingredients 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 cups (300g) cherry tomatoes 8 large eggs 13 grams fresh basil 4 ounces fresh mozzarella balls Salt and… Read More
Word from the CEO- Cholesterol, Blood Sugar, Insulin Resistance, DM2: Why Advanced Cholesterol Testing Could Save Your Life
“But my Cholesterol is Normal!” Routine Cholesterol levels are commonly used to estimate the number of lipoprotein particles (bad cholesterol particles). Routine cholesterol tests may appear normal, but could actually be dangerously high when performing an advanced lipoprotein particle test (LDL-P). This disagreement between a routine cholesterol test (LDL-C) and the advanced LDL particle test (LDL-P) is especially common in the insulin resistant individual. “The higher the LDL particle number (LDL-P), the greater the heart… Read More
Exercise of the Month: Cable Woodchops
This is a great explosive exercise that will help develop strength and power in your chest, core, and shoulders. Ensure the pulley is at shoulder height with a handle attached. Stand sideways to the cable machine and grasp the handle with both hands. Take the strain of the weight and hold your arms out in front at 90 degrees. While maintaining good posture, rotate your body away from the machine. Keep your arms at a… Read More
Recipe of the Month: Salmon Kabobs
It’s that time of year when we start firing up the grill. Enjoy that time with these delicious Salmon Kabobs! Salmon is rich with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and a great source of protein. INGREDIENTS: 2 tbsp chopped fresh oregano 2 tsp sesame seeds 1 tsp ground cumin 1/4 tsp crushed red pepper flakes 1-1/2 pounds skinless wild salmon fillet, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 lemons, very thinly sliced into rounds olive oil cooking spray… Read More
The Simple Act of Walking: Take A Step In The Right Direction
“In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.” -John Muir Throughout my career, I have never really been one to make “steps per day” recommendations. I’ve always thought that it wasn’t specific enough and have always fallen back on the American College of Sports Medicine guideline that 150 minutes of exercise per week, for people without limitations, is key. I have always thought that exercise/activity should be more specific and periodized…. Read More